Success Kid

cooked dinner kitchen still clean

cooked dinner kitchen still clean  Success Kid

Get a call one minute before break No one on the line

Get a call one minute before break No one on the line  Success Kid

drank tonight remembered to brush my teeth

drank tonight remembered to brush my teeth  Success Kid

Dropped a bottle cap Didnt roll under the couch

Dropped a bottle cap Didnt roll under the couch  Success Kid

Signed Alex Gonzalez No more Yuni B

Signed Alex Gonzalez No more Yuni B  Success Kid

painted a fence didn't get any paint on my clothes

painted a fence didn't get any paint on my clothes  Success Kid

I got an "A" and it feels so good

I got an

doorbell rings already wearing pants

doorbell rings already wearing pants  Success Kid

Watch university challenge, get a question right i am a genius

Watch university challenge, get a question right i am a genius  Success Kid

Throws grenade in random direction game winning kill

Throws grenade in random direction game winning kill  Success Kid
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