Success Kid

went to use a public toilet wasn't full of shit and paper

went to use a public toilet wasn't full of shit and paper  Success Kid

student activists we be striking

activists we be striking  Success Kid

You took my teddy bear? i'll get it back >:(

You took my teddy bear? i'll get it back >:(  Success Kid

That aint my diaper... Im just the shit!

That aint my 
diaper... Im just the shit!  Success Kid

Mom forgot to buckle my car seat No problem. I got it.

Mom forgot to buckle my car seat No problem. I got it.  Success Kid

Dad got a vasectomy. winning!

Dad got a vasectomy.  winning!  Success Kid

HEY Bitch Wanna knuckle sammich

HEY Bitch Wanna knuckle sammich  Success Kid

mom changing diaper pee on her dress

mom changing diaper pee on her dress  Success Kid

get lunch money from mom make it through the day without food and pocket $5

get lunch money from mom make it through the day without food and pocket $5  Success Kid

Aim for the corners Sink the battleship

Aim for the corners Sink the battleship  Success Kid
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