Success Kid

Sneezed while sitting on the toilet mission accomplished

Sneezed while sitting on the toilet mission accomplished  Success Kid

Puts on pants from last night Everything still in pockets

Puts on pants from last night Everything still in pockets  Success Kid

Had sex while toenails were drying didn't mess them up

Had sex while toenails were drying didn't mess them up  Success Kid

Joined a random game because no friends online Find Double Penetrating Unkept Harold

Joined a random game because no friends online Find Double Penetrating Unkept Harold  Success Kid

Had mom watch legalization video She wants to legalize weed

Had mom watch legalization video She wants to legalize weed  Success Kid

Below freezing outside Didn't have to scrape frost off car windows.

Below freezing outside Didn't have to scrape frost off car windows.   Success Kid

wake up hour and 15 minutes late for calc 2 final still finish in time and kick its ass

wake up hour and 15 minutes late for calc 2 final still finish in time and kick its ass  Success Kid

Took my son to my mother's house. He chose the fresh fruit and vegetables over the candy she offered him!

Took my son to my mother's house. He chose the fresh fruit and vegetables over the candy she offered him!  Success Kid

Smoke trees when parents go out to eat they bring back food

Smoke trees when parents go out to eat  they bring back food  Success Kid

Crashed a mother fucking f18 into an apartment building no casualties

Crashed a mother fucking f18 into an apartment building no casualties  Success Kid
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