Success Kid

have itch on head barber inadvertently scratches it

have itch on head barber inadvertently scratches it  Success Kid

Googles contents of refrigerator Finds a recipe

Googles contents of refrigerator  Finds a recipe  Success Kid

Turn off light, dive under covers suck it, monsters

Turn off light, dive under covers suck it, monsters  Success Kid

Sat by baby on plane It slept the entire flight

Sat by baby on plane It slept the entire flight  Success Kid

Smoked several bowls tonight still finished homework and got caught up on studying

Smoked several bowls tonight still finished homework and got caught up on studying  Success Kid

Becomes lucid in nightmare Kicked the shit out of the monster

Becomes lucid in nightmare Kicked the shit out of the monster  Success Kid

Beat Whitney First time

Beat Whitney First time  Success Kid

boss interrupted meeting said we can all leave early today

boss interrupted meeting said we can all leave early today  Success Kid

got a good parking spot at work Left for lunch, came back, got the same spot

got a good parking spot at work Left for lunch, came back, got the same spot  Success Kid

Met room mate in the hallway Managed to have a successful session of smalltalk

Met room mate in the hallway Managed to have a successful session of smalltalk  Success Kid
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