Success Kid

got on the train found a seat

got on the train found a seat  Success Kid

Take a shit at girlfriends apartment Toilet doesn't clog

Take a shit at girlfriends apartment Toilet doesn't clog  Success Kid

Smoked trees moments before going through a dui checkpoint police suspected nothing

Smoked trees moments before going through a dui checkpoint police suspected nothing  Success Kid

not sure what rick perry is talking about doesn't matter

not sure what rick perry is talking about doesn't matter  Success Kid

Purchase something on craigslist Sell it for more on ebay

Purchase something on craigslist Sell it for more on ebay  Success Kid

Play date with Party Toddler Didn't get aids

Play date with Party Toddler  Didn't get aids  Success Kid

blurted out pubic hair joke in front of boss wasn't fired

blurted out pubic hair joke in front of boss wasn't fired  Success Kid

Needs to send his brother birthday greetings Discovers this train has free wi-fi

Needs to send his brother birthday greetings Discovers this train has free wi-fi  Success Kid

fart in class doesn't smell

fart in class doesn't smell  Success Kid

Eats spaghetti White shirt stainless

Eats spaghetti White shirt stainless  Success Kid
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