Success Kid

Five minutes late to school so is teacher

Five minutes late to school so is teacher  Success Kid

Tornado warning Didn't die

Tornado warning Didn't die  Success Kid

works in a virtual office still wears pants most days

works in a virtual office still wears pants most days  Success Kid

Saw Lefevre at Orthodontists' Office Able to avoid him

Saw Lefevre at Orthodontists' Office Able to avoid him  Success Kid

Talked to Peter Larlham He told me where all the best smelling roses are

Talked to Peter Larlham  He told me where all the best smelling roses are  Success Kid

Fell asleep at work desk No one noticed

Fell asleep at work desk No one noticed  Success Kid

heard song on the radio earlier remembered i have an iphone and used shazam

heard song on the radio earlier remembered i have an iphone and used shazam  Success Kid

Buys ten mcnuggets gets eleven

Buys ten mcnuggets gets eleven  Success Kid

Professor dropped a liter of 6M Nitric acid maybe i'm not as bad at lab as i thought

Professor dropped a liter of 6M Nitric acid maybe i'm not as bad at lab as i thought  Success Kid

Had to go to church on Easter Pastor read passages from The Lord of the Rings

Had to go to church on Easter Pastor read passages from The Lord of the Rings  Success Kid
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