Success Kid

Walked to class in a snowstorm Wind was blowing from behind

Walked to class in a snowstorm Wind was blowing from behind  Success Kid

Bought bag in the ghetto Didn't die

Bought bag in the ghetto Didn't die  Success Kid

SOPA blackout + school from 9 AM to 6 PM Never been so productive in my entire life

SOPA blackout + school from 9 AM to 6 PM Never been so productive in my entire life  Success Kid

Left an unread page of reddit open tuesday night still able to visit half the links during the blackout

Left an unread page of reddit open tuesday night still able to visit half the links during the blackout  Success Kid

Watched Obscure TV shows as a kid Childhood never ruined by rule 34

Watched Obscure TV shows as a kid Childhood never ruined by rule 34  Success Kid

Can't relate to pathetic memes Have lots of friends and a girlfriend

Can't relate to pathetic memes Have lots of friends and a girlfriend  Success Kid

Girl i hooked up with makes joke about me being half black

Girl i hooked up with makes joke about me being half black  Success Kid

Read over drunken texts Didn't say anything weird

Read over drunken texts Didn't say anything weird  Success Kid


ACTA? SOPA? PIPA? KAKA? LOL! ROFL! LMFAO! kopimi!  Success Kid

Farted in the shower wasn't poop

Farted in the shower wasn't poop  Success Kid
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