Success Kid

Get girl's number without even asking for it

Get girl's number without even asking for it  Success Kid

First day on internet finds reddit

First day on internet finds reddit  Success Kid

Went to walmart Got a cart without a fucked up wheel

Went to walmart Got a cart without a fucked up wheel  Success Kid

Made up bullshit Got on front page

Made up bullshit Got on front page  Success Kid

Checks out running girl's butt on way home from work sees that it's my gf in rear view mirror

Checks out running girl's butt on way home from work sees that it's my gf in rear view mirror  Success Kid

Bluff shipped the river got called by a worse hand

Bluff shipped the river got called by a worse hand  Success Kid

Don't have any money for weed Friend buys

Don't have any money for weed Friend buys   Success Kid

own a shirt with a circle pattern none of the circles are centered on my nipples

own a shirt with a circle pattern  none of the circles are centered on my nipples  Success Kid

Asshole neighbor blaring shitty music for party on his lawn Suddenly thunderstorms

Asshole neighbor blaring shitty music for party on his lawn Suddenly thunderstorms  Success Kid

Spent 12 min trying to kill a large roach Only screamed like a bitch twice

Spent 12 min trying to kill a  large roach Only screamed like a bitch twice  Success Kid
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