Success Kid

Wake up in the morning Remember that new toy just got

Wake up in the morning Remember that new toy just got  Success Kid

Go to sleep on 10/11/11 as a man WAke up dragonborn

Go to sleep on 10/11/11 as a man WAke up dragonborn  Success Kid

Ex hurts feelings GROWS SOME BALLS!

Ex hurts feelings   GROWS SOME BALLS!  Success Kid

Get steatshirt back from girl still smells like girl

Get steatshirt back from girl still smells like girl  Success Kid

i just made a poop now whose going to change my diaper

i just made a poop now whose going to change my diaper  Success Kid

left dorm, went to class, and came back didnt talk to anyone

left dorm, went to class, and came back didnt talk to anyone  Success Kid

Johnny Depp is a Pot Head Too

 Johnny Depp is a Pot Head Too  Success Kid

Someone's candy bar got stuck in the vending machine two candy bars for me

Someone's candy bar got stuck in the vending machine two candy bars for me  Success Kid

dies wins the game

dies wins the game  Success Kid

Wakes up without hangover Still Drunk

Wakes up without hangover Still Drunk  Success Kid
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