Success Kid

pooped pretty cousin does the diaper change

pooped pretty cousin does the diaper change  Success Kid

If you wan't nudes of my GF You can kiss my ass

If you wan't nudes of my GF You can kiss my ass  Success Kid

Won driving lessons It's also the weekend

Won driving lessons It's also the weekend  Success Kid

grows aaron rodgers handlebar mustache draws first overall draft pick

grows aaron rodgers handlebar mustache draws first overall draft pick  Success Kid

alarm goes off at 6:30am for work realises it's a bank holiday and goes back to sleep

alarm goes off at 6:30am for work realises it's a bank holiday and goes back to sleep  Success Kid

I forgot the office was buying lunch today. Now I have two lunches.

I forgot the office was buying lunch today. Now I have two lunches.  Success Kid

Shit Blood Made it easier to wipe

Shit Blood Made it easier to wipe  Success Kid

Coin machine didn't spit out my $.95 change. Cashier gives me a dollar.

Coin machine didn't spit out my $.95 change. Cashier gives me a dollar.  Success Kid

Left dome lights on in car while at work... car still started!

Left dome lights on in car while at work... car still started!  Success Kid

Got called down to Rossi's office Didn't get molested

Got called down to Rossi's office Didn't get molested  Success Kid
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