Success Kid

uses liquid honey nothing gets sticky

uses liquid honey nothing gets sticky  Success Kid

Give blood, saves lives Get drunk quicker and cheaper

Give blood,  saves lives Get drunk quicker and cheaper  Success Kid

takes a huge dump no splash

takes a huge dump no splash  Success Kid

walk to car without keys it's unlocked

walk to car without keys it's unlocked  Success Kid

just toked parents invite me to red lobster

just toked parents invite me to red lobster  Success Kid

Buys MFLB ONLINE Parents didnt open package

Buys MFLB ONLINE Parents didnt open package  Success Kid

House Gets shot up didn't die

House Gets shot up didn't die  Success Kid

gets A's for the semester doesn't advertise it all over facebook

gets A's for the semester doesn't advertise it all over facebook  Success Kid

Was an atheist before i found reddit

Was an atheist before i found reddit  Success Kid

Went to the bathroom standing up Remembered to zip my pants

Went to the bathroom standing up Remembered to zip my pants  Success Kid
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