Success Kid

no money for lunch interview day. free pizza. aw yeah! #12 days

no money for lunch interview day. free pizza. 
aw yeah!
 #12 days  Success Kid

Lesbian Strike Force Alpha? Fuck yes

Lesbian Strike Force Alpha? Fuck yes   Success Kid

Peed immediately after sex DIDn't BURN

Peed immediately after sex DIDn't BURN  Success Kid

Fell asleep reading a book didn't lose spot when woke up

Fell asleep 
reading a book didn't lose spot when woke up  Success Kid

Pissed with toilet seat down no splatter

Pissed with toilet seat down no splatter  Success Kid

Father uploaded recent pic Made the frontpage of REDDIT

Father uploaded recent pic Made the frontpage of REDDIT  Success Kid

Talking to a cute girl at a bar Buys you a drink

Talking to a cute girl at a bar Buys you a drink  Success Kid

take massive shit right before going out to bars

take massive shit right before going out to bars  Success Kid

didnt save that useful link, posted long ago, which could be useful now karma-whoring repost on frontpage today

didnt save that useful link, 
posted long ago, 
which could be useful now karma-whoring repost on frontpage today  Success Kid

bus leaves in 5 minutes. RUN. Make it.

bus leaves in 5 minutes. RUN. Make it.  Success Kid
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