Success Kid

ran out of toilet paper yesterday mcdonalds bag came with napkins

ran out of toilet paper yesterday mcdonalds bag came with napkins  Success Kid

Spend most of my day surfing reddit Get promotion for being productive

Spend most of my day surfing reddit Get promotion for being productive  Success Kid

Too young to care about original star wars movies too old to care about new ones

Too young to care about original star wars movies too old to care about new ones  Success Kid

Tripped and fell walking down the street Nobody saw it happen

Tripped and fell walking down the street Nobody saw it happen  Success Kid

made it on the front page never owned a cat

made it on the front page never owned a cat  Success Kid

Moved to new area Found good Chinese place on the first try

Moved to new area Found good Chinese place on the first try  Success Kid

wanted to search on another site DuckDuckGo has a !bang tag for it

wanted to search on another site DuckDuckGo has a !bang tag for it  Success Kid

wanted leap pad. got ipad.

wanted leap pad. got ipad.  Success Kid

All the bad preschool teachers are away on the same day

All the bad preschool teachers are away on the same day  Success Kid

Short $2 at the checkout... Find $5 in back pocket

Short $2 at the checkout... Find $5 in back pocket  Success Kid
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