Success Kid

Party pictures posted on facebook Don't look wasted in any of them

Party pictures posted on facebook Don't look wasted in any of them  Success Kid

Return from 7 day vacation 0 messages

Return from 7 day vacation 0 messages  Success Kid

Steam sales over people giving away free coupons

Steam sales over people giving away free coupons  Success Kid

Helped the old lady who lives next door get homemade brownies for my troubles

Helped the old lady who lives next door get homemade brownies for my troubles   Success Kid

Had massive diarrhea didn't leave shit stains everywhere

Had massive diarrhea didn't leave shit stains everywhere  Success Kid

Forgot my coffee at home boss bought a keurig for the office

Forgot my coffee at home boss bought a keurig for the office  Success Kid

Went to sleep late Woke up 1 minute before the alarm went off

Went to sleep late Woke up 1 minute before the alarm went off  Success Kid

dies wins 'the game'

dies wins 'the game'  Success Kid

late for class so is teacher

late for class so is teacher  Success Kid

Hung mistletoe as a joke in july Got kisses all night

Hung mistletoe as a joke in july Got kisses all night  Success Kid
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