Success Kid

multiples of 8 in the furnace no coal wasted

multiples of 8 in the furnace  no coal wasted   Success Kid

My names ben and.. IM NOT EVEN PEDALING!

My names ben and.. IM NOT EVEN PEDALING!  Success Kid

wakes up saturday morning favortite cartoon is on

wakes up saturday morning favortite cartoon is on  Success Kid

An old friend came into my store the other day to offer me a higher paying job with benefits. I put in my two weeks 3 days before my vacation.

An old friend came into my store the other day to offer me a higher paying job with benefits. I put in my two weeks 3 days before my vacation.  Success Kid

Only 23 Violent Crimes in the Last 18 Months? Castle Ward

Only 23 Violent Crimes in the Last 18 Months? Castle Ward  Success Kid

Need to poop at work both stalls open!

Need to poop at work both stalls open!  Success Kid

2 shows...2 strolls...a show!!! yes

2 shows...2 strolls...a show!!! yes  Success Kid

have to take a shit at work bathroom hasn't been used since last nights cleaning crew

have to take a shit at work bathroom hasn't been used since last nights cleaning crew  Success Kid

Have boyfriend 8000kms far still in love still a couple

Have boyfriend 8000kms far still in love
still a couple  Success Kid

Found out ex-gf is an avid redditor haven't yet read any humiliating "so, my ex..." stories about self

Found out ex-gf is an avid redditor haven't yet read any humiliating
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