Success Kid

See interesting link as click to next page Shows up on next page

See interesting link as click to next page Shows up 
on next page  Success Kid

Got all my classes on the same campus

Got all my classes on the same campus  Success Kid

Don't want to be the drunkest at the party Citius is here

Don't want to be the drunkest at the party Citius is here  Success Kid

We have a library but no books

We have a library but no books  Success Kid

Ben Wade took my picture win!

Ben Wade took my picture win!  Success Kid

Drops cheeto Lands in lap

Drops cheeto Lands in lap  Success Kid

Got to the last 20 minutes of Nerve II Professor forgot to turn off tegrity

Got to the last 20 minutes of Nerve II  Professor forgot to turn off tegrity  Success Kid

Didn't withdraw She got her period

Didn't withdraw She got her period  Success Kid

took 45 minute shower water stayed hot

took 45 minute shower water stayed hot  Success Kid

posted a meme in the middle of the night woke up to up votes

posted a meme in the middle of the night woke up to up votes  Success Kid
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