Success Kid

Put on coat from last year find weed

Put on coat from last year find weed  Success Kid

Kept motivation unTil after workout

Kept motivation unTil after workout  Success Kid

two shows on two different channels commercials are never on at the same time

two shows on two different channels commercials are never on at the same time  Success Kid

Altar Boy for 3 years! Wasnt Molested!

Altar Boy for 3 years! Wasnt Molested!  Success Kid

Just fucked up my entire life Woke up

Just fucked up my entire life  Woke up  Success Kid

Never actually learned anything after 3rd grade Still got into college

Never actually learned anything after 3rd grade Still got into college  Success Kid

Texted the wrong person wasn't an embarrassing text

Texted the wrong person wasn't an embarrassing text  Success Kid

Sofia Vergara is my mom

Sofia Vergara is my mom  Success Kid

Skips class to go on road trip class gets cancelled

Skips class to go on road trip class gets cancelled  Success Kid

Go to Simpson Dining for lunch "HELLOOO, MY LITTLE LOVE BABIES!!!"

Go to Simpson Dining for lunch
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