Success Kid

thought of meme in the middle of the night remembered in the morning

thought of meme in the middle of the night remembered in the morning  Success Kid

opened a lyrics website no ringtone popups

opened a lyrics website
 no ringtone popups  Success Kid

rock on chair, nearly fall off use ninja skills to save me

rock on chair, nearly fall off  use ninja skills to save me   Success Kid

Pretend to be sick to skip school Actually got sick

Pretend to be sick to skip school Actually got sick  Success Kid

found out we could have friends on reddit karma shower

found out we could have friends on reddit karma shower  Success Kid

Drive through suburban strip-mall hell 8 straight green lights

Drive through suburban strip-mall hell 8 straight green lights  Success Kid

Flirt with pretty girl Flirts back

Flirt with pretty girl Flirts back  Success Kid

Ate watermelon seed didn't grow one in my stomach

Ate watermelon seed didn't grow one in my stomach  Success Kid

Weirdest kid discussion on reddit nothing i did is mentioned in comments

Weirdest kid discussion on reddit nothing i did is mentioned in comments  Success Kid

im just saying... you got to risk it to get the biscuit!

im just saying... you got to risk it to get the biscuit!  Success Kid
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