Success Kid

Get to class late Everyone's outside for a fire drill

Get to class late Everyone's outside for a fire drill  Success Kid

realises it's 8pm on a Friday didn't eat meat

realises it's 8pm on a Friday didn't eat meat  Success Kid

Went to costco spent less than $100

Went to costco spent less than $100  Success Kid

Tells parents he's atheist Doesn't get kicked out

Tells parents he's atheist Doesn't get kicked out  Success Kid

Noticed there was no toilet paper Before I took a shit.

Noticed there was no toilet paper Before I took a shit.  Success Kid

Thought about doing some work reward self with reddit rest of the day

Thought about doing some work reward self with reddit rest of the day  Success Kid

Gets struck by lightning Didn't die

Gets struck by lightning Didn't die  Success Kid

Hungover the next day Drunk food from last night in fridge

Hungover the next day Drunk food from last night in fridge  Success Kid

See peoples reaction to New Mass Effect ending No spoilers

See peoples reaction to New Mass Effect ending No spoilers  Success Kid

gained 10 pounds since break up ex-girlfriend gained 30

gained 10 pounds since break up ex-girlfriend gained 30   Success Kid
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