Success Kid

Doesn't check R/trees till after smoke sesh All Blue Links

Doesn't check R/trees till after smoke sesh All Blue Links  Success Kid

Watches spanish channel Mom believes im trying to learn a new language

Watches spanish channel Mom believes im trying to learn a new language  Success Kid

Came in my pants Wore underwear

Came in my pants Wore underwear  Success Kid

Get to the bus stop three minutes late So does the bus

Get to the bus stop three minutes late So does the bus  Success Kid

Knocked over a picture It didn't break

Knocked over a picture It didn't break  Success Kid

forget to do chores mom does them for me

forget to do chores mom does them for me  Success Kid

Got bleach on fingers wearing a white shirt

Got bleach on fingers wearing a white shirt  Success Kid

Gas went up 20 cents overnight Filled up last night

Gas went up 20 cents overnight Filled up last night  Success Kid

Internet disconnects Seconds after downloads complete

Internet disconnects Seconds after downloads complete  Success Kid

Friendzoned with benefits

Friendzoned with benefits   Success Kid
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