Success Kid

I'm so pissed off I could punch a baby

I'm so pissed off I could 
punch a baby  Success Kid

Message old friend online Date this weekend

Message old friend online Date this weekend  Success Kid

Listened to favorite secular song for 10th time Realized it's actually faith based.

Listened to favorite secular song for 10th time Realized it's actually faith based.  Success Kid

Asked a girl what the date was she said a fancy resturaunt

Asked a girl what the date was she said a fancy resturaunt  Success Kid

has a girlfriend on valentine's day she thinks the holiday is a commercial trap too

has a girlfriend on valentine's day she thinks the holiday is a commercial trap too  Success Kid

went to bed after submitting a link woke up and my link had four upvotes

went to bed after submitting a link woke up and my link had four upvotes  Success Kid

Turns on the iPod First song is Tum to thehre pardesi....

Turns on the iPod  First song is Tum to thehre pardesi....  Success Kid

Broke up with girlfriend Now friends with benefits

Broke up with girlfriend  Now friends with benefits  Success Kid

Buys jelly babies No yellow ones

Buys jelly babies No yellow ones  Success Kid

finally got a girl friend

finally got a girl friend  Success Kid
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