Success Kid

Drive thru line 10 cars long Inside, First in Line

Drive thru line 10 cars long Inside, First in Line  Success Kid

Went to the vending machine to get Chips two bags fell out

Went to the vending machine to get Chips two bags fell out  Success Kid

Took a poop in my diaper Girl sitting next to me didnt realize

Took a poop in my diaper Girl sitting next to me didnt realize  Success Kid

looked at the account of the new reddit ceo has less link karma than i do

looked at the account of the new reddit ceo  has less link karma than i do  Success Kid

Fixed bug 2 minutes before the demo meeting

Fixed bug 2 minutes before the demo meeting  Success Kid

Every r/trees link is purple Brothers did it, and i haven't seen any of it yet

Every r/trees link is purple Brothers did it, and i haven't seen any of it yet  Success Kid

Know a lunch mom Get free cookies

Know a lunch mom Get free cookies  Success Kid

Got dj to talk about tyler perry which turned into a recitation of "Death and the king's salesman"

Got dj to talk about tyler perry which turned into a recitation of

found my first grey hair it's just a hair from my dog

found my first grey hair it's just a hair from my dog  Success Kid

Has shakk about losing wudu Has Yaqin that he made it earlier

Has shakk about losing wudu Has Yaqin that he made it earlier  Success Kid
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