Success Kid

wet fart clean underwear

wet fart clean underwear  Success Kid

Didn't do the Assigned readings Still nailed the question i was asked

Didn't do the Assigned readings Still nailed the question i was asked  Success Kid

Failed the accounts exam 11 times i'm breaking records

Failed the accounts exam 11 times i'm breaking records  Success Kid

Finished french fries Finds more in bag

french fries Finds more in bag  Success Kid

Throw paper airplane Lands in a hot girl's clevage

Throw paper airplane Lands in a hot girl's clevage   Success Kid

reddit down? enough time to smoke a bowl

reddit down? enough time to smoke a bowl  Success Kid

Ran Krispy kreme challenge didn't puke

Ran Krispy kreme challenge didn't puke  Success Kid

End of Semester Dinner at the spit and the pit

End of Semester Dinner at the spit and the pit  Success Kid

Puts A tablespoon of cinnamon into his mouth swallows

Puts A tablespoon of cinnamon into his mouth swallows  Success Kid

Coming home from Belfast didn't get caught by Henry.

Coming home from Belfast didn't get caught by Henry.  Success Kid
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