Success Kid

Make sap to talk to a girl Find out girl is a redditor when she sees it

Make sap to talk to a girl Find out girl is a redditor when she sees it  Success Kid

Peed on Pee-Jay Hobbit film delayed

Peed on Pee-Jay Hobbit film delayed  Success Kid

Car covered in bird shit Rains heavily next day

Car covered in bird shit Rains heavily next day  Success Kid

Trash man only takes 2 trash bags a week He just took 6 stuffed in 2 contractor bags

Trash man only takes 2 trash bags a week He just took 6 stuffed in 2 contractor bags  Success Kid

The Penis goes in the Vagina Remembered

The Penis goes in the Vagina Remembered   Success Kid

Girlfriend has party at her house Don't have to walk her home.

Girlfriend has party at her house Don't have to walk her home.  Success Kid

Got the entire lid off the snack pack In one pull

Got the entire lid off the snack pack In one pull  Success Kid

Goes on Reddit while doing homework finishes homework.

Goes on Reddit while doing homework finishes homework.  Success Kid

Wore a while shirt while eating spaghetti. Didn't get a stain.

Wore a while shirt while eating spaghetti. Didn't get a stain.  Success Kid

[8] Thinks Cashier is cute and gets number Next Day Remembered

[8] Thinks Cashier is cute and gets number Next Day Remembered  Success Kid
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