Success Kid

Followed by cop for 2 miles with broken speedometer Didn't get pulled over

Followed by cop for 2 miles with broken speedometer Didn't get pulled over  Success Kid

Got Fired by manager Her boss overrode her

Got Fired by manager Her boss overrode her  Success Kid

Sent text to wrong contact Landline

Sent text to wrong contact Landline  Success Kid

4 link karma

4 link karma  Success Kid

had a wet dream sleeps with a condom on

had a wet dream sleeps with a condom on  Success Kid

Woke up and hour late Still woke up on time.

Woke up and hour late Still woke up on time.  Success Kid

voted at a church no proselytizing

voted at a church no proselytizing  Success Kid

Talks to a cute girl

Talks to a cute girl   Success Kid

Ticket agent said have a nice flight didn't say you too

Ticket agent said have a nice flight didn't say you too  Success Kid


Girlfriend   Success Kid
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