Success Kid

Dreamt i slept through my alarm Woke up before it

Dreamt i slept through my alarm Woke up before it  Success Kid

Wild Metapod Appears Critical hit and faints before using harden

Wild Metapod Appears Critical hit and faints before using harden  Success Kid

gave my girlfriend an idea that got her to the front page rewarded with a blowjob

gave my girlfriend an idea that got her to the front page rewarded with a blowjob  Success Kid

Leaves bike unlocked in a pretty rough neighborhood for 8 hours It's still there

Leaves bike unlocked in a pretty rough neighborhood for 8 hours It's still there  Success Kid

Rode bike around the block didn't fall once

Rode bike around the block didn't fall once  Success Kid

Cakeday 7 upvotes

Cakeday 7 upvotes  Success Kid

Picks 3-5 day shipping on amazon Comes next day

Picks 3-5 day shipping on amazon Comes next day  Success Kid

Had $1.25 going to the vending machine, my option $1.35 Found a dime in the change slot.

Had $1.25 going to the vending machine, my option $1.35 Found a dime in the change slot.  Success Kid

Couldn't fall asleep. Caught Hoothoot and Spinarak.

Couldn't fall asleep. Caught Hoothoot and Spinarak.  Success Kid

daydreams about sex during class doesn't get a boner

daydreams about sex during class doesn't get a boner  Success Kid
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