Success Kid

Got an eyelash in my eye while driving Got it out without using a mirror

Got an eyelash in my eye while driving Got it out without using a mirror  Success Kid

Missed Marbury v. Madison Still got a 5 on Gov't AP

Missed Marbury v. Madison Still got a 5 on Gov't AP  Success Kid

playlist on shuffle give me novocaine/she's a rebel in order

playlist on shuffle give me novocaine/she's a rebel in order  Success Kid

Ate at the Huck Josh Platt yelled ha cha cha when calling out my number

Ate at the Huck Josh Platt yelled ha cha cha when calling out my number  Success Kid

Grandma sends $200 check in the mail Weeds on me

Grandma sends $200 check in the mail Weeds on me  Success Kid

Wrote yolo on scantron got a 6 on the ap test

Wrote yolo on scantron got a 6 on the ap test  Success Kid

step into shower without testing water perfect temperature

step into shower without testing water perfect temperature  Success Kid

Got a call from a potential employer at a [7] Got the interview

Got a call from a potential employer at a [7] Got the interview  Success Kid

didnt have time to revise for taraweeh today 40 minute fundraiser after isha

didnt have time to revise for taraweeh today 40 minute fundraiser after isha  Success Kid

Took a shower after getting a short haircut Used perfect amount of shampoo

Took a shower after getting a short haircut Used perfect amount of shampoo  Success Kid
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