Success Kid

abortion rate rising less competition

abortion rate rising less competition  Success Kid

Legalized marijuana just in time for thanksgiving

Legalized    marijuana just in time for thanksgiving  Success Kid

Mom signs me up for gymnastics chicks all over the fucking place

Mom signs me up for gymnastics chicks all over the fucking place  Success Kid

Assignment due for University Topic: Reddit

Assignment due for University Topic: Reddit  Success Kid

damn, its cold in here better shit my own pants

damn, its cold in here better shit my own pants  Success Kid

was dry, went on r/trees got a contact high

was dry, went on r/trees got a contact high  Success Kid

Made a spelling error on Reddit Nobody said anything

Made a spelling error on Reddit Nobody said anything  Success Kid

Don't know words excuse not to talk to racist Grandpa

Don't know words excuse not to talk to racist Grandpa  Success Kid

Talking to a twin Get their name right

Talking to a twin Get their name right  Success Kid

Pee in toilet with seat down not a drop on the seat

Pee in toilet with seat down not a drop on the seat  Success Kid
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