Success Kid

Missed registration marked in as present

Missed registration marked in as present  Success Kid

wait 30 minutes on the pasta line at oscar's check out line is empty.

wait 30 minutes on the pasta line at oscar's check out line is empty.  Success Kid

Write happy birthday to hot girl on facebook She liked my comment

Write happy birthday to hot girl on facebook She liked my comment  Success Kid

Convince Sister that reddit is better than 9gag Takes advice and go to reddit

Convince Sister that reddit is better than 9gag Takes advice and go to reddit  Success Kid

Received no upvotes Made the front page anyway

Received no upvotes Made the front page anyway  Success Kid

took a shit only needed to wipe once

took a shit only needed to wipe once  Success Kid

born white male

born white male  Success Kid

See NSFW post at work Remember I work at a Bar and Click it anyway

See NSFW post at work Remember I work at a Bar and Click it anyway  Success Kid

Didn't get any downvotes Kept the one upvote

Didn't get any downvotes Kept the one upvote  Success Kid

#YOLO? I'm a buddhist

#YOLO? I'm a buddhist  Success Kid
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