Success Kid

Got $7.88 back from a transaction Next purchase was $7.88

Got $7.88 back from a transaction Next purchase was $7.88  Success Kid

20 min late for class professor is 25 min late

20 min late for class professor is 25 min late  Success Kid

Had pot in car and was high and police lights start flashing passed me and kept driving

Had pot in car and was high and police lights start flashing passed me and kept driving  Success Kid

reads socially awkward penguin Can not relate

reads socially awkward penguin Can not relate  Success Kid

professor assigns partners in class get the cute smart girl

professor assigns partners in class get the cute
smart girl  Success Kid

dad did a puzzle got to do the last piece

dad did a puzzle got to do the last piece  Success Kid

Told girlfriend to get a hobby enrolls in culinary classes

Told girlfriend to get a hobby enrolls in culinary classes  Success Kid

landlord makes renovations to our apartment lowers rent because of the inconvenience

landlord makes renovations to our apartment lowers rent because 
of the inconvenience  Success Kid

put random letters together on words with friends, hit submit... it's a word

put random letters together on words with friends, hit submit... it's a word  Success Kid

christmas holiday with italian grandparents lost weight

christmas holiday with italian grandparents lost weight  Success Kid
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