Success Kid

Thinks teacher is awesome on first day finds out she checks reddit

Thinks teacher is awesome on first day finds out she checks reddit  Success Kid

loose ear bud rubber in the night find it easily the next morning

loose ear bud rubber in the night find it easily the next morning  Success Kid

went on reddit before class wasn't late

went on reddit before class wasn't late  Success Kid

Moved laundry from washer to dryer didn't drop anything on the floor

Moved laundry from washer to dryer didn't drop anything on the floor  Success Kid

Was purchased at a charity bachelor auction GIRL WAS HOT

Was purchased at a charity bachelor auction GIRL WAS HOT  Success Kid

Opened new bag of cool ranch doritos. extra seasoning!

Opened new bag of cool ranch doritos. extra seasoning!  Success Kid

fixed iphone without restoring it

fixed iphone without restoring it  Success Kid

Met girlfriend's mom likes me better than her ex

Met girlfriend's mom likes me better than her ex  Success Kid

ate the last cookie had just enough milk

ate the last cookie had just enough milk  Success Kid

sand, glorious sand yum, yum, yummy fucking sand

sand, glorious sand yum, yum, yummy fucking sand  Success Kid
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