Success Kid

10 year high school reunion Wasn't the fattest one there.

10 year high school reunion Wasn't the fattest one there.   Success Kid

Drank Absinthe Didn't make out with my sister

Drank Absinthe Didn't make out with my sister  Success Kid

Girlfriend broke up with me and went out with someone 24 hours later Got shagged and bagged

Girlfriend broke up with me and went out with someone 24 hours later Got shagged and bagged  Success Kid

incorrectly typed in code from itunes card into itunes got credit anyways

incorrectly typed in code from itunes card into itunes got credit anyways  Success Kid

Tried to pay parking ticket online Ticket has already been paid

Tried to pay parking ticket online Ticket has already been paid  Success Kid

glitches get put in ditches

glitches get put in ditches  Success Kid

Automatic Stapler on Printer Stops Working High School Classes Come to A Hault

Automatic Stapler on Printer Stops Working High School Classes Come to A Hault  Success Kid

Closest mainland city to north korea not targeted in strike plan

Closest mainland city to north korea not targeted in strike plan  Success Kid

Forgot Earbuds in THE washer Caught them in time AND STILL WORK

Forgot Earbuds in THE washer Caught them in time AND STILL WORK  Success Kid

Heard the garbage truck down the street Put trash out as they are pulling up to my house

Heard the garbage truck down the street Put trash out as they are pulling up to my house  Success Kid
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