Success Kid

makes a teacher account gets unlimited badges

makes a teacher account gets unlimited badges  Success Kid

thought laptop screen broke just disconnected

thought laptop screen broke just disconnected  Success Kid

ordered 3 chicken strips and fries for delivery gave me an extra strip for being polite

ordered 3 chicken strips and fries for delivery gave me an extra strip for being polite  Success Kid

Just task and read the freaking notes!

Just task and read the freaking notes!  Success Kid

drank mexican tap water didn't get the shits

drank mexican tap water didn't get the shits  Success Kid

4 upvotes 6 downvotes 4 people thought i was funny

4 upvotes 6 downvotes 4 people thought i was funny  Success Kid

Get's married kills wife's cousin three hours later

Get's married kills wife's cousin three hours later  Success Kid

Fuckbuddy comes up with nickname for my dick Chooses Gandalf

Fuckbuddy comes up with nickname for my dick Chooses Gandalf  Success Kid

Got all of my textbooks for free

Got all of my textbooks for free  Success Kid

a la mierda las ampoyas yo me sanare solo

a la mierda las ampoyas  yo me sanare solo  Success Kid
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