Success Kid

asked a cute girl who I'm really into on a scale of 1 to light speed how much she likes star wars she asked if ludicrous speed was an acceptable answer

asked a cute girl who I'm really into on a scale of 1 to light speed how much she likes star wars  she asked if ludicrous speed was an acceptable answer  Success Kid

got a new office computer screen facing in to my office

got a new office computer screen facing in to my office  Success Kid

Was naughty Santa left presents anyway

Was naughty Santa left presents anyway  Success Kid

Types 1 to 9 for neighbor's wireless password actually worked

Types 1 to 9 for neighbor's wireless password actually worked  Success Kid

Late to work Boss was even later

Late to work Boss was even later  Success Kid

turns on shower water is perfect temperature first try

turns on shower water is perfect temperature first try  Success Kid

Teacher pulls up funny photo to show class My OC

Teacher pulls up funny photo to show class  My OC   Success Kid

Goes to bed Without browsing Reddit on phone

Goes to bed Without browsing Reddit on phone  Success Kid

Put a lighter through the wash Still works

Put a lighter through the wash Still works  Success Kid

my house was a mess hosted an OCD party

my house was a mess hosted an OCD party  Success Kid
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