Success Kid

Tell platonic friend its No Fap September Offers to have sex with me.

Tell platonic friend its No Fap September Offers to have sex with me.  Success Kid

Grabbed entire load of laundry in one armfull Didn't drop any clothes on the way to my room

Grabbed entire load of laundry in one armfull Didn't drop any clothes on the way to my room  Success Kid

Asked my 3 year old what music to play in the car "METAL!"

Asked my 3 year old what music to play in the car

Grew up in America not a fat ass

Grew up in America not a fat ass  Success Kid

Friend shows me post on front page of reddit MY POST

Friend shows me post on front page of reddit MY POST  Success Kid

goes trick or treating no fruit in bag

goes trick or treating no fruit in bag  Success Kid

4/20/12 on a friday

4/20/12 on a friday   Success Kid

Get complimented at school by two hot teachers

Get complimented at school by two hot teachers  Success Kid

Didn't buy $240 college textbook Teacher hands out pdf 1st day of class

Didn't buy $240 college textbook Teacher hands out pdf 1st day of class  Success Kid

Wife going to bed early GAME NIGHT !

Wife going to bed early GAME NIGHT !  Success Kid
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