Success Kid

only one girl in my electrical engineering class redditor

only one girl in my electrical engineering class redditor  Success Kid

Completely forgot about tonights debate watched f1 instead

Completely forgot about tonights debate watched f1 instead  Success Kid

Girlfriend grabs bum farts in her hand

Girlfriend grabs bum farts in her hand  Success Kid

Started Snowing last night Melted by the time I woke up so I didn't have to shovel

Started Snowing last night Melted by the time I woke up so I didn't have to shovel  Success Kid

Picture of mine made front page on reddit, co-worker notices it on the chive 19 days later.

Picture of mine made front page on reddit, co-worker notices it on the chive 19 days later.  Success Kid

Lost a Lego Found it before my foot did

Lost a Lego Found it before my foot did  Success Kid

Took the ACT a year and 3 months early Got a 30

Took the ACT a year and 3 months early Got a 30  Success Kid

Came back from lunch My old parking spot was still open

Came back from lunch My old parking spot was still open  Success Kid

thought i'd always be fat just dropped below 200 pounds for the first time since puberty

thought i'd always be fat just dropped below 200 pounds for the first time since puberty  Success Kid

Forgot to set alarm Woke up on time

Forgot to set alarm Woke up on time  Success Kid
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