Success Kid

Cleaning out inside of car at gas station found $20 dollars for gas money

Cleaning out inside of car at gas station found $20 dollars for gas money  Success Kid

Boyfriend used to be a vegan now adds bacon to every meal

Boyfriend used to be a vegan now adds bacon to every meal  Success Kid

lost 30 pounds kept the boobs

lost 30 pounds kept the boobs  Success Kid

Married my wife bra size: 36A 7 months later bra size: 34D

Married my wife
bra size: 36A 7 months later
bra size: 34D  Success Kid

Ate all my french fries on the way home from the fast food drive thru Found some on the bottom of the bag

Ate all my french fries on the way home from the fast food drive thru Found some on the bottom of the bag  Success Kid

Sneezed while peeing Still got it all in the toilet

Sneezed while peeing Still got it all in the toilet  Success Kid

Went on front page No Confession bear

Went on front page No Confession bear  Success Kid

Parked in Permit parking overnight and moved my car after Noon No ticket

Parked in Permit parking overnight and moved my car after Noon  No ticket  Success Kid

Painter to Wayne... touchdown

Painter to Wayne... touchdown  Success Kid

trapped 2 probes TECH TO WARP PRISIM

trapped 2 probes TECH TO WARP PRISIM  Success Kid
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