Success Kid

I sucked on my moms friends tits Im a badass Baby player

I sucked on my moms friends tits Im a badass Baby player  Success Kid

Lays down in bed Remote within reach

Lays down in bed Remote within reach  Success Kid

Talked to family friend for five minutes People skills

Talked to family friend for five minutes People skills  Success Kid

"Dude, you're never gonna find a girlfriend. You're waaay too picky!" found.

Professor tried to fail me Presented my case to the dean - took 8 months but i won. Passed course, teacher reprimanded

Professor tried to fail me Presented my case to the dean - took 8 months but i won. Passed course, teacher reprimanded  Success Kid

Went to Dundee Left Dundee

Went to Dundee Left Dundee  Success Kid

Finished the all the laundry in a house of three didn't have an odd number of socks

Finished the all the laundry in a house of three didn't have an odd number of socks  Success Kid

Had to fly somewhere Didn't die

Had to fly somewhere Didn't die  Success Kid

Go to back of bus unoccupied

Go to back of bus unoccupied  Success Kid

Give Credit Card to Server Not DEclined

Give Credit Card to Server Not DEclined  Success Kid
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