Stupid Teenagers

"Damn doe, where duh alcohol and marijuana at???" are freshmen

I'm so bad ass Gets scared when RA comes into the room

I'm so bad ass Gets scared when RA comes into the room  Stupid Teenagers

Sunglasses at night OMG we started a trend

Sunglasses at night OMG we started a trend  Stupid Teenagers

you are right becky, we are so gangsta some of us are almost doing gang signs

you are right becky, we are so gangsta some of us are almost doing gang signs  Stupid Teenagers

"The curtains are not blue because the curtains are not real." Is hard to understand. Teacher is making stuff up.

has two drinks keeps telling you how wasted they are

has two drinks  keeps telling you how wasted they are  Stupid Teenagers

"Just gotta live life" dies

No social value Begin the hunger games!

No social value Begin the hunger games!  Stupid Teenagers

"I'm so wasted!!!" Only drank half a a can of beer

"We're really cool!!!" mum and dad buy clothes...

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