Straight A Stoner

what you get when you cross harold and kumar

what you get when you cross harold and kumar  Straight A Stoner

i scored high on my drug test

i scored high on my drug test 
  Straight A Stoner

Memes? I don't watch those. Front range community college

Memes? I don't watch those. Front range community college  Straight A Stoner

constantly tells you incredible information with the bong in his hand

constantly tells you incredible information with the bong in his hand  Straight A Stoner

writes scholarship speech high gets scholarship

writes scholarship speech high  gets scholarship  Straight A Stoner

diet recording assignment for gym class fails

diet recording assignment for gym class fails  Straight A Stoner

Sells weed smokes hash

Sells weed smokes hash  Straight A Stoner

Is known to rip 3-4 times a day strait a student

Is known to rip 3-4 times a day strait a student  Straight A Stoner

student as bad allergies no prob bro

student as bad allergies no prob bro  Straight A Stoner

Rock Against Racism? ROCK FOR POT

Rock Against Racism? ROCK FOR POT  Straight A Stoner
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