Straight A Stoner

Thinks of good memes when high Can't type them properly because too high

Thinks of good memes when high Can't type them properly because too high  Straight A Stoner

Smokes Fat Bowl Before Music Audition Principal Chair

Smokes Fat Bowl Before Music Audition Principal Chair  Straight A Stoner

Every one on house calls him Cutner then the dumb ass cuts himself...NERRRRRR

Every one on house calls him Cutner then the dumb ass cuts himself...NERRRRRR
  Straight A Stoner


PLEDGE MEETING? PREGAME in 470   Straight A Stoner

I always get high before my bio lecture; it helps me grasp the concepts in an extraordinary way... My bio teacher joins us before class for the same reason.

I always get high before my bio lecture; it helps me grasp the concepts in an extraordinary way... My bio teacher joins us before class for the same reason.    Straight A Stoner

Openly talks about smoking weed Gets more respect from profs than you

Openly talks about smoking weed Gets more respect from profs than you  Straight A Stoner

Distributes marijuana By prescription

Distributes marijuana By prescription  Straight A Stoner

Harvard Graduate Forever Alone

Harvard Graduate Forever Alone  Straight A Stoner

chemistry class dude that graduated cylinder looks totally like a bong

chemistry class dude that graduated cylinder looks totally like a bong  Straight A Stoner

Studies High Takes Test High Gets High Grades - Devon Ratzlaff

Studies High Takes Test High
Gets High Grades
- Devon Ratzlaff  Straight A Stoner
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