Story Time Jesus

So i went to the kegger last week and all they had was water because they ran out of beer Bitches don't know about my wine making abilities John 2:10

So i went to the kegger last week and all they had was water because they ran out of beer Bitches don't know about my wine making abilities John 2:10  Story Time Jesus

They was all like "Bro we drunk all the wine." But my ma was all like "Chill, my son's got this." John 2:1-11

They was all like

so then i gave them all foot baths. Bitches love foot baths. John 13:5

so then i gave them all foot baths. Bitches love foot baths. John 13:5  Story Time Jesus

Then I was like "this is my house!" Flipped them tables

Then I was like

и као се враќам ја и шо да видам ВМРО ми ја зеl

и као се враќам ја и шо да видам ВМРО ми ја зеl  Story Time Jesus

YOLO? You only live once? Bitch Please!

YOLO?  You only live once? Bitch Please!  Story Time Jesus

so thomas was like "Jesus done yo, If I AIn't SEEin' them nailholes then piss off" Dude shit his pants bro, kneelin and shit.

so thomas was like

So this chick was talking smack and being a bitch So I slapped the shit outta her, call me Smack-A-Ho-Jesus!

So this chick was talking smack and being a bitch So I slapped the shit outta her, call me  Smack-A-Ho-Jesus!  Story Time Jesus

go, sell your shit, give to the poor... and you will have treasure in heaven... Lol

go, sell your shit, give to the poor...  and you will have treasure in heaven...
Lol  Story Time Jesus

So this guy has me crucified But after three days I was like "Nah bro"

So this guy has me crucified But after three days I was like
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