Stoner Dog

I gave that bitch crackers Bitches love crackers

I gave that bitch crackers Bitches love crackers  Stoner Dog

get high like every status on newsfeed

get high  like every  status on newsfeed  Stoner Dog

Meant to do chemistry lab mixes all the shit he can find

Meant to do chemistry lab mixes all the shit he can find  Stoner Dog

smoke before class doesn't go, paranoid people will know

smoke before class doesn't go, paranoid people will know  Stoner Dog

Boners? Boners!

Boners? Boners!  Stoner Dog

Its not called Division Bell and you've all been trolled by ICP

Its not called Division Bell and you've all been trolled by ICP  Stoner Dog


 Wat?  Stoner Dog

"High?! Mom i'm just tired" incapable of getting retarded smile off my face

Walks past the front desk stoned Poker face like a champ

Walks past the front desk stoned  Poker face like a champ  Stoner Dog

Watches vsauce on youtube mind = blown

Watches vsauce on youtube mind = blown  Stoner Dog
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