Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Ich kann mit Windows 8 die Zeit vor und zurueck drehn. Das funktioniert ? Ne kam Bluescreen..

Ich kann mit Windows 8 die Zeit vor und zurueck drehn. Das funktioniert ? Ne kam Bluescreen..  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

I just bought myself a new Zune. No you didn't.

I just bought myself a new Zune. No you didn't.  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

I heard Anasi is cute. She has a nice body. SIKE.

I heard Anasi is cute. She has a nice body. SIKE.  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

So, how would you convince me that Windows is better than Linux? Well, if you buy Windows you'll support my Charity. You'll get richer? What about functionality? Oh you want functionality, with excellent customer support? Try ubuntu.

So, how would you convince me that Windows is better than Linux? Well, if you buy Windows you'll support my Charity. You'll get richer? What about functionality? Oh you want functionality, with excellent customer support? Try ubuntu.  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

I bought some Daim buller today Did Victor get any? I bought all of them

I bought some Daim buller today Did Victor get any? I bought all of them  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Onko arkkitehtuuriharkka valmis? Melkein valmis, miten sulla? Melkein valmis, muotoilu on kesken.

Onko arkkitehtuuriharkka valmis? Melkein valmis, miten sulla? Melkein valmis, muotoilu on kesken.  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Isn't it great to be a billionaire? We can buy anything. Do you know what our money can't do? What? Cure cancer

Isn't it great to be a billionaire? We can buy anything. Do you know what our money can't do? What?  Cure cancer  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Did you hear what happened? No, what? iDied. That's not funny. Yeah, iKnow!

Did you hear what happened? No, what? iDied. That's not funny. Yeah, iKnow!  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

los judios vagaron 40 anios en el desierto por? Perdieron una moneda una que?

los judios vagaron 40 anios en el desierto por? Perdieron una moneda una que?  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

I was more an artest type when I was younger I did not even know what movies or photography was. I just like to make art.

I was more an artest type when I was younger I did not even know what movies or photography was. I just like to make art.  Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
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