Stare Dad

Wow mark you bought a camo for 25 bucks!!! It was $19.99 actually You said it was $15 Fine it was actually $19

Wow mark you bought a camo for 25 bucks!!! It was $19.99 actually You said it was $15 Fine it was actually $19  Stare Dad

Dad! Dad! Planes, Trains and Automobiles is on TV! I have my hand between two pillows. Those aren't pillows. Rob Brown shit in his car!

Dad! Dad! Planes, Trains and Automobiles is on TV! I have my hand between two pillows. Those aren't pillows. Rob Brown shit in his car!  Stare Dad

Pika pika! [I'm hungry] Your hungry? Whaddaya want? Pika Pika! [Steak please] CAT FOOD IT IS~!

Pika pika!
[I'm hungry] Your hungry? Whaddaya want? Pika Pika! [Steak please] CAT FOOD IT IS~!  Stare Dad

Dad! Mordor descends upon Rohan! We're doomed! What does Theoden have to say about this... "We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep." Fall back to the keep! Caption 5 goes here

Dad! Mordor descends upon Rohan!  We're doomed! What does Theoden have to say about this...

Dad, mom said you like your books more then us! ..... Dad...? Obviously your mom is right

Dad, mom said you like your books more then us! ..... Dad...? Obviously your mom is right  Stare Dad

Dad, what's cooler than being cool? Ice cold I can't hear you Ice Cold!

Dad, what's cooler than being cool? Ice cold I can't hear you Ice Cold!  Stare Dad

Dad I need a ruler to make a straight line We don't have any rulers What shall I use then? MY UNIBROW!

Dad I need a ruler to make a straight line We don't have any rulers What shall I use then? MY UNIBROW!  Stare Dad

Dad, can you tell me a joke? What does the black kid get for christmas? i don't know your new bike.

Dad, can you tell me a joke? What does the black kid get for christmas? i don't know your new bike.  Stare Dad

What's For Dinner? Ask Your Mother. She's not in the Kitchen. WHAT!?

What's For Dinner? Ask Your Mother. She's not in the Kitchen. WHAT!?  Stare Dad

I hate my job... I hated my job once... Why didn't you quit? YOU.

I hate my job... I hated my job once... Why didn't you quit? YOU.  Stare Dad
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