Stare Dad

Dad, sign this petition for FF3 on PSP No Why not? Because you want me to.

Dad, sign this petition for FF3 on PSP No Why not? Because you want me to.  Stare Dad

Dad! i just took the biggest crap ever! Is it still there? Yeah...why? Bring it to me.

Dad! i just took the biggest crap ever! Is it still there? Yeah...why? Bring it to me.  Stare Dad

Dad, I'v applied to university! Oh, which one did you choose? Cambridge YOU WHAT!?

Dad, I'v applied to university! Oh, which one did you choose? Cambridge YOU WHAT!?  Stare Dad

Freddy! Don't play hector in FIFA! Why not little derp? He never loses. Challenge accepted.

Freddy! Don't play hector in FIFA! Why not little derp? He never loses. Challenge accepted.  Stare Dad

Dad, mom fell down the stairs! ..finish her. ...but dad? FINISH HER!

Dad, mom fell down the stairs! ..finish her. ...but dad? FINISH HER!  Stare Dad

Would you like to attend our Bible study group, sir? It's a cult. Says who? (I knew I should have returned as Black Jesus!)

Would you like to attend our Bible study group, sir? It's a 
cult. Says who? (I knew I should have returned as Black Jesus!)  Stare Dad

Apa, a Weisz az zsido nev ? Igen miert ? Azt hittem magyar! Micsodaaa ????

Apa, a Weisz az zsido nev ? Igen miert ? Azt hittem magyar! Micsodaaa ????  Stare Dad

Dad! Mom farted! Isn't she in the kitchen? Yes Eeeww!!

Dad! Mom farted! Isn't she in the kitchen? Yes Eeeww!!  Stare Dad

DAD! There are random boys in our backyard! How many boys? All of them... MY MILKSHAKES!

DAD! There are random boys in our backyard! How many boys? All of them... MY MILKSHAKES!   Stare Dad

Dad, My girlfriend's pregnant! Good to hear that. Actually, I failed Biology You failed what?

Dad, My girlfriend's pregnant! Good to hear that. Actually, I failed Biology You failed what?  Stare Dad
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