
Просто си карах сърфа.. Съжелявам Япония ^^

Просто си карах сърфа.. Съжелявам Япония ^^  Squirtle

Maly kotek umiera gdy wpisujecie dane tabelaryczne w wordzie, jak jakies sekretarki

Maly kotek umiera gdy wpisujecie dane tabelaryczne w wordzie, jak jakies sekretarki  Squirtle

I have water pulse Get at me charmander

I have water pulse Get at me charmander  Squirtle

opponent takes 2 damage ...critical hit...

opponent takes 2 damage ...critical hit...  Squirtle

Waking up your best friend's sleeping family through skype by making him laugh Best feeling ever

Waking up your best friend's sleeping family through skype by making him laugh Best feeling ever  Squirtle

squirtle uses surf sorry MoM

squirtle uses surf sorry MoM  Squirtle

So i herd u Liek Squirtles what? Im water type

So i herd u Liek Squirtles what? Im water type  Squirtle

hay zak sqrurt attack!

hay zak sqrurt attack!  Squirtle


squirtle Y U NO EVOLVE INTO BLASTOID  Squirtle

Rui ataca Com qual botao ?

Rui ataca Com qual botao ?  Squirtle
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