Spoiled Little Sister

kitchen full of food "forgets lunch" and gets mom to take to mc donalds

kitchen full of food

Demands mom pays extra for the buffet Only has one plate

Demands mom pays extra for the buffet Only has one plate  Spoiled Little Sister

Demands mom give her a turn on your gameboy saves over your games

Demands mom give her a turn on your gameboy saves over your games  Spoiled Little Sister

Can i have a new iphone? I know I've broken three, but this time will be different

Can i have a new iphone? I know I've broken three, but this time will be different  Spoiled Little Sister

hasn't been on front page for awhile cries to parents until she gets what she wants

hasn't been on front page for awhile cries to parents until she gets what she wants  Spoiled Little Sister

Drops a Deuce in the toilet doesn't flush

Drops a Deuce in the toilet doesn't flush  Spoiled Little Sister

Requests the last piece of cake Only takes a few bites

Requests the last piece of cake Only takes a few bites  Spoiled Little Sister

Complains that all her birthday parties suck You never had even one

Complains that all her birthday parties suck You never had even one  Spoiled Little Sister

asks for barbie dream house throws hissy fit because she didnt get the barbie car

asks for barbie dream house throws hissy fit because she didnt get the barbie car  Spoiled Little Sister

try to retrieve remote "mom, ___ hit me!!!"

try to retrieve remote
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