Sound of Music

склонения! склонения повсю́ду!

склонения! склонения повсю́ду!  Sound of Music

listen to all the new choir members who can't sight-sing

listen to all the
new choir members who can't sight-sing  Sound of Music

Look at all these people I don't give a fuck about

Look at all these people I don't give a fuck about  Sound of Music

look at all the people who are going to vote Laural for junior class president

look at all the people who are going to vote Laural for junior class president  Sound of Music

look at all these friends i don't have

look at all these friends i don't have  Sound of Music

look at all these little kids who aren't getting the references to the original film

look at all these little kids who aren't getting the references to the original film  Sound of Music

look at all this stuff I can't afford

look at all this stuff I can't afford  Sound of Music

look at all these finals im not going to pass

look at all these finals  im not going to pass  Sound of Music

Look at all this copy paper I'm going to waste

Look at all this copy paper I'm going to waste  Sound of Music

Look at all the pages I have to fucking read

Look at all the pages I have to fucking read  Sound of Music
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