Socially awkward brony

in public, argue with 8 year old kid you dont know on whether pegasi are better than unicorns

in public, argue with 8 year old kid you dont know on whether pegasi are better than unicorns  Socially awkward brony

"Who's wedding did you go to?" My Aunt Cadence...

friend opens up laptop Wallpaper is Fluttershy

friend opens up laptop Wallpaper is Fluttershy  Socially awkward brony

Minimize window to hide ponies Desktop Wallpaper is also ponies

Minimize window
to hide ponies Desktop Wallpaper
is also ponies  Socially awkward brony

Go to a frat party "Hi everypony."

Go to a frat party

Uses ponify addon for google chrome calls good friend a stallion

Uses ponify addon for google chrome calls good friend a stallion  Socially awkward brony

Get tattoo while drunk Cutie mark

Get tattoo while drunk Cutie mark  Socially awkward brony

listening to mlp in school headphones are unplugged

listening to mlp in school headphones are unplugged  Socially awkward brony

In theatre studies accidently say "dat plot"

In theatre studies accidently say

Teacher asks mythology question Mix up answer with something from the show.

Teacher asks mythology question Mix up answer with something from the show.   Socially awkward brony
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